The seventeenth season of The Bachelor premiered on January 7, 2013. This season features 28-year-old Sean Lowe, a former Kansas State football player from McKinney, Texas. Lowe placed third as a contestant during the eighth season of The Bachelorette with Emily Maynard.
Video The Bachelor (season 17)
Filming and development
Casting began during the airing of the sixteenth season of the show. First "The Bachelor" approached Tim Tebow, then-quarterback of the Denver Broncos; but he never signed an agreement. Lamar Hurd, a sportscaster from Portland, Oregon, had been another potential candidate, vying to become the first African-American "Bachelor." Other rumored possible candidates included The Bachelorette season 6 winner Roberto Martinez, Lowe's fellow The Bachelorette castmate Arie Luyendyk, Jr. (runner-up from Maynard's season), and eleven-time Olympic medalist Ryan Lochte. Luyendyk dropped out to focus on his racing career. Martinez and Lochte also declined. Luyendyk eventually became the star of The Bachelor five seasons later.
This season traveled many places including Montana, the Canadian province of Alberta, St. Croix in the United States Virgin Islands and Thailand. Appearances including Ben Taylor, Eli Young Band and Sarah Darling.
Maps The Bachelor (season 17)
This season has been the first time the official website listed 24 new contestants along with one contestant from Bachelor Pad who joined the others, for a total of 25 suitors. In addition to the 25 new contestants, the premier revealed one mystery woman, bringing the total to 26.
Paige Vigil, a "superfan" from the third season of Bachelor Pad is included in the list.
In addition to 25 other women, Kacie Boguskie, 25 and from Clarksville, Tennessee, competes this season. Boguskie competed in Ben Flanjnik's season 16 of The Bachelor and finished fourth. Boguskie had met and befriended Lowe outside of the show and host Chris Harrison invited her back for a shot via a meet-and-greet with the bachelor--after the 25 ladies arrived at the mansion.
Future appearances
Dancing with the Stars
Lowe went on to compete on the sixteenth season of Dancing with the Stars. He was partnered with Peta Murgatroyd; he finished 6th.
The Bachelorette
Fourth place finalist Desiree Hartsock later was chosen as the star of season nine of The Bachelorette.
Bachelor in Paradise
Season 1
AshLee Frazier, Daniella McBride, Jackie Parr, and Sarah Herron all returned for the inaugural season of Bachelor in Paradise. McBride was eliminated in week 1, while Frazier, Herron, and Parr were eliminated in week 7.
Season 3
Herron ended up returning for the third season of Bachelor in Paradise, and was eliminated in week 3. This marks Herron's third Bachelor Nation appearance.
Call-out order
- The contestant received a first impression rose
- The contestant received a rose during the date
- The contestant was eliminated outside the rose ceremony
- The contestant was eliminated
- The contestant was eliminated during the date
- The contestant quit the competition
- The contestant won the competition
External links
- Official website
Source of the article : Wikipedia